2019 Year in Review

2019 turned out to be a really incredible year with a lot of growth, but honestly it was also a huge PITA.

This was the year where I finally took the advice I’d been hearing for years of going to therapy. It was scary — having to admit that I wasn’t properly equipped to ‘help myself’ and that I needed to talk to someone. However, I was blessed with a therapist that I could relate to better than I ever imagined. People — please go talk to a professional. It doesn’t mean you’re crazy, it means you’re smart for using available resources. Depression is a freaking monster, but it’s not impossible to deal with.

This was the year where I finally took my personal health into my hands. My grandma was diagnosed with cancer (praise God it was found early) and had it removed, my grandpa fell and broke his neck (healing and back to laughing & sleeping during parties), and my mom had her own share of health problems. I chose to take care of myself now instead of in 20 years when it’s 1000x harder. Is it “boring” to not drink IPAs and the same meals? Maybe for some, but I’ve found freedom in not being scared about my health.

This was the year where I had to take a look at my relationships. Relationships with my family, friends, and with God. I know that people say relationships come and go, but it’s scary when those times really come around. I’m thankful for all of the relationships that have come into my life, and for the those that have grown and adapted as well.

And now, I’m more convinced than ever that God is always present and working. He’s constantly pursuing us, even as we run away from Him. He calls us gently back into His fold, and all of heaven rejoices when we return to Him. I’m thankful for personal God that loves deeper than we deserve and could ever imagine.

Finally, I’m so incredibly thankful for all of my clients. Those that have chosen me to see them through their most joyous moments. Thank you for trusting me, for becoming lifelong friends, for giving me so many new experiences, and for making me smile & laugh to myself like a psycho while I’m sitting in Starbucks editing